The Rock Center
The Rock Center 2340 Highway 180 #183 Silver City, NM 88061 Phone:(575) 956-5200
“Getting to the core of the problem” |
The Rock Center offers Reiki, animal communication and metaphysical classes by Gaye Rock in Silver City, New Mexico. She has
been grooming animals and studying metaphysics for more than two decades, and has been a teacher for over three decades.
Gaye feels privileged to bridge the gap between animals and humans, and has a deep wish to create more healers and communicators.
- Hours are by appointment.
- Contact
Gaye for days and times of workshops
Please Contact Gaye if you would like to send a message. Thank you!

Reiki I October 19, 2024 9am-4pm
Reiki II November 2, 2024 9am-4pm
Call us for the latest info! Classes fill up fast!
Gaye Rock * 2340 Highway 180 #183 * Silver City, NM
* USA * 88061 Phone: (575) 956-5200 Website maintained by Albright Ideas Holy Fire Reiki® is a registered trademark of The International Center for Reiki Training.